Financial Analysis
Financial analysis is the assessment and evaluation of data from financial reports to know the performance and health of the company. It helps owners of the business decide on the next step they are going to take. Basic financial analysis is often conducted in spreadsheets like Excel. Historical financial data is analyzed to predict the future performance of the company. Some of the widely-used types of financial analyses are scenario and sensitivity, Rates of return, cash flow, liquidity, etc.
Net Present Value (NPV)
NPV is an approach used in capital budgeting and planning of investment. It is used to determine if a projected investment or project will be profitable. To compute Net Present Value, subtract the cash outflows current value from the cash inflows' current value. An investment with a positive value is considered profitable while the one with a negative value is assumed to lead to a loss.
Accounting Rate of Return (AAR)
The accounting rate of return is the percentage that an investor should expect from an asset, project, or investment. It is derived by dividing the average revenue of the asset by the initial investment made by the company. ARR provides investors with reliable information about the ratio of return on investment that they will realize over the lifetime of the project. It doesn't take into account integral business theories like cash flows and the time value of money.
Research Management
Research management covers all the processes of organizing, analysis, dissemination, and storage of data. It strives to make sure that decision-makers get reliable and verifiable information. Research management also allows analysts to base their new and innovative research on historical information.