Inventory and Purchasing
MYOB has a powerful inventory command center that supports the tracking of items that are to be bought or sold. It doesn't matter if you are using an inventory system that is perpetual or periodical. Each item must have its record. MYOB also allows you to have a record of the services that you are providing. If your inventory is in a different application, you can use the import template to bring it into AccountRight.
MYOB allows you to display your report and modify it to your liking. You can change the content and appearance to showcase all that you need. Also, you can export your report to another program, edit it, print it, and send it as an email. MYOB allows different users at different locations to access files. For example, your accountant can access your financial files and reports without you emailing them.
MYOB’s payroll assistant will walk you through the entire process of accounting for your employees’ pays. It will prompt you to send the details of your payroll to the ATO. All this will only be possible after you have prepared your payroll and included the single touch payroll reporting. So what will you need to process payments? You will need information on the hours worked by the employees, personal leave hours that have been taken within the year, and commissions and bonuses.
Job Costing
Job costing is a tool used by accountants to trace expenditures incurred by specific jobs. It involves the collecting of costs associated with labor, raw materials, and other overhead charges for a particular project. MYOB has the Exo business job costing package that can be used to effectively handle budgets, variance reporting, and analysis of profits.